In El Salvador, family disintegration is a major issue for children. Factors contributing to the breakdown of the family include migration to the United States, a high rate of gang violence and homicides, and high rates of poverty. Many children in El Salvador are at risk of becoming victims of violence, being trafficked, or becoming criminals themselves. Children in government protection centers face an even higher risk.
Teenage boys in El Salvador are the most likely murder victims since they are often the targets of fighting between rival gangs, and between gangs and law enforcement. We work in a boys’ center to offer a weekly sports program for teenage boys. We talk to them about character and Biblical values and seek to model healthy relationships.
We also work in a girls’ center to do special events and projects, and to provide transition assistance for girls who are leaving the center.
These children are eligible to participate in our micro-enterprises, complete training courses in the Lighthouse Bakery, and to attend our job preparation workshops.