
Every Morning

The rainy season has ended in El Salvador, so every morning I can once again look out onto the city and across the valley to the surrounding volcanic hills with no cloud obstruction. We have a beautiful little terrace outside of our bedroom for which I am very grateful and from there I can see all kinds of colorful tropical birds and use it as my own little retreat.

The other morning was particularly lovely and a passage of Scripture came to mind as I was standing on the terrace. The passage that came to mind was Lamenations 3:22-23.  The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah penned these words in the midst of horrible pain and suffering in his nation of Israel.

As I looked on the city, my heart once again broke for all of those who are lost, fearful, or struggling. And then I looked to the San Vicente volcano in the distance as the sun shone above it. I was reminded that each day is new, every morning brings new mercies even to those who may be suffering. Every morning He brings new mercies to the city of San Salvador. And every morning He brings new mercies to me and to you.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

for His compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

3 Responses to Every Morning

  1. And you and your family are part of the new and daily mercies God is bringing to the city and people you have come to love.

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