Jon in Panama

Jon recently returned from a week-long gathering in Panama of all the YWAM leaders from North, Central, and South America. He had the chance to connect with other leaders in YWAM, hear some updates on things YWAM is doing around the world, and to take time to rest and reflect on our work here in El Salvador. While he was gone, the kids and I dealt with a few bumps in the road including an iguana hiding out in Tori’s dollhouse and a stolen purse (more on that some other day)! We were glad to be together again just in time for the kids to compete in a karate tournament in Guatemala last weekend. They did great, and we enjoyed the time as a family. Here are some pictures that Jon […]

In The News

Last week the Lighthouse ministry made the news! It was exciting to see the ministry, and YWAM, get some coverage in La Prensa Grafica, a local paper in El Salvador. The newspaper has a regular section offering basic literacy lessons for people interested in learning to read. We have been using some of those lessons to help some of the young men involved in the Lighthouse. Jon contacted the paper to ask for a full set, and they responded by not only bringing the sets of lessons compiled by students doing community service hours, but also coming to do an interview and a story about the ministry. The article highlighted the work that we are doing through the Lighthouse, and shared the story of Herber, one young man who has […]

New Location, New Possibilities

This past week we had our first week of ministry in the new building. After months of renovations, it was exciting to see the first realization of the potential that this new space has! El Faro (The Lighthouse) homeless ministry used the building for the first time and the guys and girls were thrilled with the new shower facilities and indoor space out of the sun. Thank you so much to all of our donors who are making this a possibility, and a special shout-out to Discovery Christian Church who kicked this whole thing off as part of their BRIX capital campaign! The bathrooms have been renovated, additional storage and an extra room have been added, a new outdoor sink has been installed, and the outside of the building has […]

New Computer Lab Opened

We finally have an update on the Technology for Kids  project! Just before I left for the States, Jon had the opportunity to visit the Marillac Girls’ Center for the opening of the second computer lab to help kids in El Salvador. This is a center that is home to girls who have been orphaned, abandoned, or abused. We have chosen to partner with local leaders, and the process has been a long one, but now the computer lab is up and running and the girls are using the computers to gain valuable job skills and have new doors opened for them. Thank you to all of you who donated to this project! Check out the pictures below: Welcome to Marillac! Inside the center Creative spelling of Jon’s name… Set […]


I’m in the States right now and quite frankly, I’m freezing. I look like something straight out of someone’s winter collection circa 2008. But at least I’m managing to stay semi-warm. Anyway, I’m here because I was in Philadelphia attending the Justice Conference this past weekend. I went to hear some speakers address justice concerns all around the world, and I also had a space at the YWAM Costa Rica table to represent what the El Salvador base is doing in Central America. It was a great opportunity to talk about what we are up to in San Salvador and I met lots of cool people. The conference overall was a good experience…I felt encouraged and got some useful information from the pre-conference seminars and main sessions that I attended. […]

Under Construction

We want to share the latest on the ministry center project.  So many of you have invested in this project already, and we are receiving donations toward the project fund every week. We thank you for that! After purchasing the property, we met with a contractor who gave us recommendations for the best way to renovate the property for all of the purposes that we have in mind. We are working project by project as funds are coming in. We are off to a great start but we still have a long road ahead of us until the building is ready to open up for ministry. Here are a few pictures of how the “construction” is coming: Here is the front of the main building with a fresh coat of paint! The view across the roof, which will need to […]

“That’s How We Roll!”

We were blessed to ring in the New Year with a Canadian team from Possibilities International. They spent the week working hard to serve El Salvador. They built a house for a single mom and her kids in Gerardo Barrios, and then shopped for needed food, clothes, and furniture for the family.  They also began renovations on the ministry center, threw a New Year’s Eve cookout and fireworks bash at CISNA, took the Lighthouse homeless guys to the beach, and fed the hungry on the streets of San Salvador. They packed a lot into one week! “That’s how we roll!” was their mantra as they not only served El Salvador, but also encouraged all of us working on staff at YWAM. We are truly grateful for their love and service with […]

Discipleship Training School 2012 Graduates!

Well, 2012 is winding down. There are just a few more weeks left in this year…it’s hard to believe. Last night, the DTS wrapped up with a view words shared by previous students and some testimonies from several of this year’s students. Hearing their words is very encouraging…they were challenged to grow, and they found out more about God and themselves. It’s always bittersweet saying good-bye to friends that we have come to know and love over the past five months. That’s something that I don’t think I will ever get used to…the constant transition of people in and out of our lives. But the positive side is that we get to meet so many great people along their journey. Congratulations to the 2012 DTS students! I’m excited to see where […]

Christmas Is Coming!

Christmas will be here before we know it and we are looking foward to celebrating in El Salvador! We will be having Christmas events with all of our YWAM ministries. We are in need of donors who are interested in helping to sponsor Christmas parties and events. Click here for information on how to donate.

A Turkey, A Birthday, and Four Generations

We’ve had a lot going on lately!  The month of November flew by at our house! Jon spent most of it in the Dominican Republic leading the practical phase of this year’s Discipleship Training School. I’m happy to report that the kids and I survived, but we sure missed him! The day after he returned, his mother and grandmother arrived for ten days and the next thing we knew it was Thanksgiving! We counted our blessings with some of our YWAM friends, and eating Gram’s homemade pies for the first time in years was definitely at the top of the list! The kids enjoyed special moments with their grandmother and great-grandmother making pies, decorating cookies, and trimming the Christmas tree! We were so glad that Gram got to see for […]

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