
“That’s How We Roll!”

We were blessed to ring in the New Year with a Canadian team from Possibilities International. They spent the week working hard to serve El Salvador. They built a house for a single mom and her kids in Gerardo Barrios, and then shopped for needed food, clothes, and furniture for the family.  They also began renovations on the ministry center, threw a New Year’s Eve cookout and fireworks bash at CISNA, took the Lighthouse homeless guys to the beach, and fed the hungry on the streets of San Salvador. They packed a lot into one week!

“That’s how we roll!” was their mantra as they not only served El Salvador, but also encouraged all of us working on staff at YWAM. We are truly grateful for their love and service with and for us! Here are some pictures of them building the house in Gerardo Barrios and working in the ministry center. You can see more photos and read about the trip in their own words by visiting their blog.


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