
IJM Global Prayer Gathering

I can’t imagine living overseas before the internet. Through my little laptop I can gain instant access to my friends and family, post our updates, and even livestream conferences from the U.S. into my own home. It’s very convenient.

This past weekend I jumped online and watched a good junk of the International Justice Mission Global Prayer Gathering. IJM’s website states that they are a “human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.” They work on behalf of those who have been trafficked, wrongfully accused, or taken advantage of in places like East Asia, Africa, and South America. Each year they have a prayer gathering where people can gather from all over the world in person, or via the internet, to pray for God’s work of justice to be done in the lives of the oppressed.

Justice for the oppressed is close to God’s heart…it echoes throughout Scripture and as followers of God we cannot neglect this important work. It was inspirational to hear the stories of those who are working to bring justice. It’s also sad to know how many millions of people are living without justice today.

God calls us to enter into this work with Him…but more importantly He calls us to know Him as we seek to bring His truth and justice into the world. One of the speakers reminded me of this powerful truth. Sean Litton, who oversees all the field offices, shared his own personal testimony…his journey from powerful attorney to campaigner for the forgotten and abused. The thing he kept coming back to as he spoke is the fact that God is calling us to Himself through it all. He is at work in us and revealing Himself to us through all the little details of our lives. That is worth any sacrifice. When we respond to God’s call to go with Him…He Himself is with us.

These words touched me deeply because sometimes I forget this. I forget that in my own corner of the world it’s not all about me and what I can do. It’s not even all about what can happen in El Salvador. It’s really about drawing near to God and being a part of what God is doing…on a global scale. God is redeeming things, He’s making things new. Here and where you are and on the other side of the world and, by His grace, we can be a part of it.

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