

You may already know that we have a place for our community to gather, connect, and to grow if they are ready. That place is called the Lighthouse Resource Center. What you may not know is that we have a program within the Lighthouse dedicated specifically for our clients who want to start a committed process of change. This program is called the “level system” and is a series of levels requiring increasing commitment on the part of both our clients and our staff. In the level system, it’s time for everyone to level up!

The first level is represented by a match, the second by a candle, the third by a lantern, and the final level is represented by a lighthouse. All along the way, our clients are encouraged to work on different qualities, meet therapeutic markers, and step further outside of their comfort zones. Our staff accompany them in a process of planning and growth as they work on future dreams and goals individualized to the journey of each client.

We have had to adapt this program many times because we have made many mistakes along the way and had to grow so much ourselves! A big lesson for all of us is how different each person’s process really is. Everyone has a different timeline, makes different decisions, and sometimes works through a process in ways we never would’ve imagined. We have been humbled as we have learned and grown through the process of accompanying our clients in their commitment to change and growth.

Through the journey from match to lighthouse, each and everyone of us has learned to “level up” in one way or another. There are no simple answers to confronting unhealthy patterns of thinking, no quick fix to complicated issues but we are grateful to have the Lighthouse Resource Center community where we can all continue to be transformed together!

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