
Life Lessons from Ian

Today I was wiping off the kitchen counter when Ian asked if he could help me clean. Ian’s idea of “cleaning” usually involves spitting on something and getting mud on something but I decided to let him help anyway. I gave him everything he needed to clean the glass doors…a rag with some water on it. But he insisted on trying every other object to do his little chore. First a broom, then a dust pan, then a toy, and finally an eraser. After many, many tries he finally ended up using the rag that I gave him in the first place. He went about his work singing and scrubbing happily. After he wiped the windows, the coffee table, and the floor he just looked at me beaming. I really didn’t need his help at all to clean up today but seeing the joy on his face made it all worth it to me. He was so happy that he “got” to help clean!

And then it struck me…isn’t God the very same way with us? He really doesn’t need us to do his work. In fact, we often end up getting things way muddier than they ever would have been if God had just left us out. We always try to use tools other than the ones He’s given us, and it takes way longer for God’s purposes to be accomplished when we’ve got our hands in the mix. But we “get” to do His work anyway! We get to pray, to serve, to give, and to obey Him and in the end we are part of what He is doing on earth! It’s just amazing to me that the God of the universe loves me so very much that it brings Him joy when we do our “work” for Him. I hope that my face continues to be the same face that Ian had…one of joy, excitement, and satisfaction as I work for my Father.

3 Responses to Life Lessons from Ian

  1. So, so true! Thank you for sharing those words! How cool that God lets us do his work and delights in us! How awesome too that God allowed you to hear from him through your little man! I love you and him! Can’t wait till next month!

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