


When we hear the word we think of choices, risks, new beginnings. To a victim of trafficking, a modern-day slave, it’s a foreign word. When you are owned by another human being you don’t get to dream, to risk, to take hold of your future.

Last week, we had the privilege of hosting Dave Terpstra, Co-Founder and Global Director of Free the Girls, in our home. I was reminded again of how thrilled I am that we get to work with this organization that believes in giving opportunities to victims of sex trafficking.

We have women and girls that we interact with every week who have never had an opportunity. What a gift it is that we can offer them a choice, a chance to start their own business, and to make their own way. The girl who spent two years trapped in a prostitution ring, and the single mom working for a gang have the opportunity for something new. They can be defined by a new opportunity, not by the tragedy of their past.

Dave brought a great energy to El Salvador, and encouraged and inspired us to keep moving forward. We can’t wait to see more girls get more opportunities. A container of bras just arrived in El Salvador and we hope to have it released early this week. Many of you, along with thousands of other women, donated more than just bras…you are giving an opportunity to girls that have never had one.

Thank you Dave, thank you Free the Girls, and thank you to all of you who care about El Salvador. Thank you for giving women and girls in El Salvador a chance to risk, a chance to dream, a chance to live.

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