

I think we may finally be setting into somewhat of a routine after almost two months of trying to establish some kind of order! Tori started school last week at the International School of San Salvador and that has brought some order to our house. She is in Kinder (similar to U.S. Pre-K) and she goes from 7:30-12 Monday-Friday. It’s a big change for her since she hasn’t been in the classroom since her two day a week preschool last year. We did some homeschooling this fall, but it’s nice for her to get some solid structure again.  Ian has been quite sad to see his sister go each morning and he can’t wait to  be old enough to go too!

As far as the routine for Jon and I each day, it revolves mostly around learning Spanish at this point. We study Spanish each morning with a tutor. Monday-Wednesday we work on conversational Spanish and Thursday and Friday we work on grammar. We also spend time at night preparing for the next day and doing “homework.” The afternoons are usually completely unpredictable – they could involve a trip to the grocery store, the YWAM base, or an orphanage!  But at least there is predicability to the mornings!

On the weekends we try to have family time or hang out with friends. We also have  been attending a church that is completely in Spanish on Sundays. Church here lasts for two hours and it’s been great for us to increase our Spanish vocabulary. Now that we are back into a routine, I will keep up with this blog a little better than I did over the holidays!

Tori was very excited to start school!

Tori was very excited to start school!

Ready to go with her new backpack!

Ready to go with her new backpack!

Ian was sad to be left behind! The two of them have been constant playmates since we moved so it was a tough morning for Ian!

Ian was sad to be left behind! The two of them have been constant playmates since we moved so it was a tough morning for Ian!

One Response to Routine?

  1. I can’t belive my litte Tori is a school girl…she looks adorable in her uniform! Love the pic of Tori and Ian (I lightened it so I could see it)…such love for each other…really missing their hugs!

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