It’s so easy for me to get focused on my own little corner of the world…the things I have to do this week, the day to day frustrations, and even the big seemingly insurmoutable problems. I can quickly feel like we are the only ones fighting these battles.
Last week, our friends the Mullinaxes invited us to participate in a symposium sponsored by their mission. They are a fellow missionary family serving in El Salvador and they are involved in very similar ministry areas. It was refreshing to be there and here about other missionaries working in Latin America. We were able to learn, gain some insights, and even share a bit of our own experience doing street ministry in San Salvador.
By the end of the week, I was reflecting on how I forget all too often that so many others are serving God day in and day out just like us. I don’t have it any harder than anyone else. All over the world today in Kenya, Japan, Ecuador, Italy, and suburban America people are living out God’s call on their lives.
We aren’t alone, and we aren’t even unique. When we make a decision to follow Christ we are volunteering to participate in the big picture of what He is doing around the world. It’s exciting and freeing to understand that He is at work wherever we are, and we are just called to be faithful.
Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing today…I just want to encourage you that you aren’t alone and we are all in this together.
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