

This past month has been one of those crazy busy stretches of life where there isn’t time for ANYTHING, and I’m sorry to say that my blogging has fallen by the wayside for a few weeks. Now I’m back to writing and updating everyone about what’s been happening in El Salvador. So, here are some of the variety of  things that we have been up to lately…

We hosted a team from our home church, Discovery Christian Church, who did a lot of awesome things for the kids in El Salvador like put on a carnival in Gerardo Barrios (above), feed the homeless, and work with the girls in a few local children’s homes.

File this one under the “wow, that is really random” file! I was on a Salvadoran radio station bringing awareness to the issue of human trafficking right here in El Salvador. This is me with one of the DJs.

We had a great and informative training concerning how to connect with those working in prostitution, and also how to recognize differences between someone who is working by choice, and someone who is being exploited.

The stuff above has kept us really busy, plus some other stuff too! I spent a week teaching the Discipleship Training School students about personality, relationships, and character development, and then we got to spend a week with our friends, Josh and Liz, who came to visit from Pennsylvania. I have also been researching how to move forward in our street ministry and what resources are available in El Salvador to those being exploited. Add to that the usual weekly stuff like driving kids around, helping them with homework, and trying to squeeze in quality family time and you can see why my keyboard has been quiet lately!

So that’s the recap. There are many more sad, and overwhelming, and exciting things going on…too many for one post but I will keep you updated!

One Response to Updating…

  1. It’s great to read your blog. My husband is Salvadoran, and we lived there 5 years after we married. My kids were born there too. (Have been in Turkey since then.)

    Blessings on your ministry.

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