
Walking Together to Freedom

This morning was my first day back in the office after 6 months on sabbatical. As I pulled up to the center early this morning, the first thing I noticed were the children sleeping on the streets. They were there waiting for the doors to open at New Dawn.

For these kids, New Dawn is the only safe place in a sea of addiction, violence, and abuse. Some of these kids have been raped, beat up, prostituted, and made to feel like nothing. They have been rejected and abused. On the streets they have found loneliness and fear.

It is no easy task to introduce them to something new. New ways, new patterns, and new life are hard to come by on the streets. Our hope is that stepping into New Dawn is the first step on their journey to recovery, wholeness, freedom, and life.

The truth is that taking a journey alone is no way to go. A journey with partners, friends, leaders, and cheerleaders is more likely to succeed. We want to walk with these kids on their journey, but we need more travelers to link arms and cheer these kids on.

We are excited to share with you an amazing opportunity that we have for our supporters to join us, to get a front row seat, to be right there as these kids start down this road. We are in need of Program Sponsors to get in on the action! We don’t want to see these kids sleeping on the streets anymore…we want to know that they are safely inside. For that to happen, we need to move into the residential phase of this program.

Our plan is to join forces with our Program Sponsors. We have two options to do just that. One is a One Child for One Year sponsorship. These sponsors commit to supporting a child on the journey to recovery for a full year. It costs $5,500 to put one child through the program for one year and that cost breaks down to $458/month. We know that is a lot so we are also looking for Team Sponsors starting at a commitment level of $25/month. These sponsors join their gifts with others to help these kids. A team approach is a great way to get through a journey together!

So what exactly are our sponsors actually sponsoring? We know it is a big chunk of change but that is what it takes to house and feed a child, provide treatment for their addiction, counsel them through their trauma, provide spiritual resources, and connect them with a healthy living situation. We then continue to work with them and their families over the long term. We are committed to a holistic, Gospel-based approach and we believe we can provide what these kids need if we share the load.

Our program sponsors will get exclusive updates on all of the children in our program. We will keep you in the loop on how they are doing, the ups and downs, and the ins and outs of working with a child to get them off the streets. Our hope is that you will dream with us, pray with us, and journey with us along the way.

Interested in walking with us on the journey?  Email us at to get started as a Program Sponsor! 

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  1. Pingback: Two Years | Mission to El Salvador

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