
What Is Our Mission?

Mission to El Salvador.

That is the name of our organization, so what kind of mission are we on anyway? There are so many potential missions in this tiny country, so many things we could be doing. The list of needs and possible areas of service are endless. How do we find clarity and focus in our calling?

Over the last few months, we have spent a lot of time thinking through these questions, and you may notice that we have a new look that reflects the conclusions that we have drawn. The thing is that we want to fulfill our mission well, and we want to live out a calling that is sustainable.

Our work is far more about long-term journeys than simply short-term solutions. Walking with people out of poverty is a long process. We aren’t just talking about physical poverty, but also the spiritual poverty, and the social poverty that are often tied into the complex issues that people are facing here in El Salvador.

A tree is a perfect picture of these processes. A tree needs roots. It starts small and grows over many years to something powerful and strong. A tree needs care. There are weeds that must be pulled, and seedlings that must be tended. Water and light are needed on a daily basis. Little by little branches begin to form, and leaves sprout. Eventually, as the tree matures flowers bloom, and fruit begins to grow.

We want to see people find that kind of freedom to grow. When we meet our clients, they are usually entangled in a situation that prevents healthy growth. It may be material poverty, it may be slavery after the experience of being exploited, or it may be an addiction. These are obstacles that we want to clear out so that a healthy growth experience can be cultivated. We want to see people meet God and grow in a connection to Him, we want to see them grow as families, and we want to see them find a sense of community. That is our mission for the most vulnerable and marginalized in El Salvador.

That is why we are here. We want to help those on the edges of society find freedom to grow. We want to see them branch out, grow strong, and bear fruit. We believe it is possible, and we are on our own mission to fulfill the call God has placed in our hearts to be a part of that process.

We are always growing ourselves, so we thank you for walking with us, and we ask that you continue to pray for us and maybe even join in our mission as we grow together.

One Response to What Is Our Mission?

  1. Your mission is wonderful and the Lord is blessing it. Thank you for sharing the meaning behind the new logo. I love it!

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