
Christmas Shopping and Fireworks

El Salvador is a nation with many fatherless children. Because of crime, violence, immigration, and poverty many kids are growing up without the love and support that a family provides. These children spend much of their childhood being moved from one protection center to another which offers housing, but little else in terms of support and nurturing.

There are also other types of centers, shelters, and private homes around the country and some children find themselves here because they were abused, have special needs, or are victims of horrible crimes such as human trafficking.

This Christmas we were able to bring some love to some kids in El Salvador who have no family to love them, to nurture them, or to guide them. We realize that our efforts do not replace a loving home, but we hope to point them toward the one Father that can give them a sense of belonging and identity.

I have so much gratitude for our caring donors who opened their hearts and provided Christmas meals and gifts to these children this year. We were able to celebrate with the boys in the CISNA boys center by providing each boy with a gift, hosting a Christmas dinner, and giving the boys a fireworks display because in El Salvador it just isn’t Christmas without fireworks!

We also celebrated Christmas with girls and young women who have been rescued from traumatic abusive situations, and who have been victimized through human trafficking. I absolutely loved the opportuity to go shopping for each one of them to pick gifts that I know that they needed and that I know they would love! These young ladies were overwhelmed and many were brought to tears when they received their own special Christmas gift.

We are truly grateful and humbled by so many of you who sponsored these Christmas events…these boys and girls felt loved this Christmas!

fireworks cisna

Fireworks at CISNA!

shopping photo

Shopping for the girls was so much fun!

photo christmas gifts

My little “elves” were such great helpers this Christmas…they wrapped gifts and served Christmas dinner.

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