
Futbol Game with one of the toughest gangs here in El Salvador

We had a unique but great opportunity yesterday to play futbol (soccer) against some members of one of the toughest gangs here in El Salvador. The Guatemala YWAM DTS team is here this week and we played for about 1 1/2 hrs against these guys. Although we didn’t have a huge chance against these guys, as they play together all of the time, we put up a good fight for the first half and the score was 4-1. At one moment right before half time, there were a few police that came over to the field area and put a kid in hand cuffs and took him away, but it was like everything was calm and God was with us and our players just prayed and continued to play soccer. Then the second half came and it was another story as our team started to get tired and break down. The scored ended up a lot to a little, to put it nicely! We did manage a couple more goals, but we definately needed ALOT more to even stand a chance.

After we invited them to talk with a couple of our guys and we bought them all pepsi and we just talked futbol. We told them why we are there and thanked them for allowing us to play against them and also thanked them for not bothering us and allowing us the opportunity to help them out in this community. As this is the community of Apopa (a very dangerous gang area) where we (YWAM El Salvador) work on a weekly basis with a Bible study, feeding around 130- 150 kids lunch and have a school for kids who don’t have records so they cannot go to a public school.

As they were leaving they were asking when we wanted to play them again, which is a huge open door and hopefully in the future we are able to reach some of these kids as well. Yes, these kids are very violent, aggressive, and even frightening at times, but they all need love and they all need to know God.  Thank you all for your prayers, and if you rememeber, please say a prayer specifically for these gang members as well as all of the kids we work with in Apopa.

4 Responses to Futbol Game with one of the toughest gangs here in El Salvador

  1. You’re kids will be able to throw gang signs before you know it! 😉

    This is such a neat opportunity. The one thing that stood out to me about El Salvador v. Guatemala when I was there was the palpable fear of “las maras.” If everyone avoids them, how will any of them come to Christ? Bold, but necessary move for SOMEONE to make… way to go!

  2. Believing that as you continue to love, that NOTHING will be able to destroy what God’s plans are for El Salvador…and specifically Apopa. So proud of you and what God is doing through you. Would you have imagined 5 years ago?? Amazing things are in process!

  3. Wow! Open doors that only the Lord could open! It is not by our power or might, but by His spirit that these things are happening! The power of faith put into action can change the human heart. As St Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel always; when necessary use words. These gang members are “hearing” the gospel! Praise God for open doors!

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