
In Training

With the Winter Olympics just around the corner I am sure we will hear lots of stories about the tremendous amount of time and effort that Olympic athletes put into training for their sport. They approach their training with passion and a goal of success. There are days when it is difficult, days when it hurts, and days when it doesn’t seem worth it. There are many who give up, who fall along the way, who never achieve the prize. But for those who keep the goal in mind, being in training is part of the deal.

I feel like I can relate to this aspect of  being “in training.”  As we went through this process of moving, preparing, and now serving in El Salvador I can see many training opportunites along the way. I’m talking about training for the eternal prize…the prize of becoming more like Jesus Christ. This morning I was reading I Timothy 4 and some verses stood out to me that deal with this very topic.  I Timothy 4:7 – 8 says,

Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”

So this morning as I read this I questioned what is “training for godliness”? What kind of crazy routine do I need to implement to become more like God? Then I realized it’s not about what I can do to achieve this, but what God is doing in me. Maybe He had to bring me all the way to El Salvador to teach me that His kind of love is the love that gives my child a kiss even when I feel like I’m going to throw up and I’m sweating like crazy. His love is love that tells my husband the things I value in him even when I’m exhausted and don’t feel like dealing with another human! Or maybe it’s the kind of love that won’t give up even when the problems of a foreign country will never be overcome. I don’t know what kind of training program I am on but I know that the prize of eternity is worth all of the days that are difficult, that hurt, and that make me want to give up!

One Response to In Training

  1. The Lord is and will continue to do a good work in you and your family as you seek Him and are obedient to His work! Training for godliness?…great question! To be like Christ and to point others to Him! In the process, remember, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength”.

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