
One Million Lights

Tonight I stood up above the city of the San Salvador, high above one million lights. I was at Los Planes de Renderos and from the lookout I could see San Salvador wrapped around hills and pushed up against the San Salvador volcano. We made a quick stop at the lookout with a group that is volunteering this week from a church in North Carolina. Their oohs and aahs at the beautiful city lights reminded me of my first time standing above the city nearly 3 1/2 years ago. I saw those million lights the very first time I came to El Salvador.

Tonight a small voice inside reminded me of what I thought of all those lights the first time I saw them. I remember thinking of the more than two million people who live in the city of San Salvador. I remember thinking of all the lives represented by those lights blinking out at me in the darkness. Tonight I thought of them again.

Those lights represent homes with not enough food on the table, those lights represent families running low on hope, and those lights represent people who are leaning on their money or on empty religion to make it one more day. All of them need to hear the Truth. All of them need to know the One who can change things, restore things, make them right. They need to understand that truth, to live in the light of it.

Tonight there are millions of lights shining in cities all over the world. I am called to this one…I am called to the one million lights representing the more than two million people in this city.

What about you? Maybe you are called to the lights on your street, the lights in your city, or the lights around the world.

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