Can you imagine the roller coaster of emotions that Jesus’ disciples faced on that very first Holy Week? It seemed that all they dreamed would happen was coming true as the week began, but by Friday they were crushed, scared, and running for their lives. They had no idea that after that darkest of hours they would see resurrection firsthand. But how they must have struggled, and questioned, and weeped together.
This year across the world we are forced to be still as we enter into Holy Week. There are no spring vacations, or family Easter dinners, or large and elaborate church services to plan. All of us have a moment to contemplate, to breath it in, to consider what it means to face death and to hope against hope for resurrection.
We will be observing Holy Week with our staff, and partners, and clients in a unique way and we invite you to join us. Starting on Wednesday, we will be spending focused time with all who are in our COVID-19 temporary shelter as we take moments to be still, to reflect, and to pray.
We invite you all to join us in praying, and so we are sharing our prayer focus for each of the last five days of Holy Week.
On Wednesday, we will be praying for all of the churches in El Salvador. We will be praying for our church partners, and also for all local churches. There are pastors who depend on second jobs to keep things going, churches that don’t have access or resources to broadcast services, and churches who are desperately frustrated that they can’t minister to those in need. On Wednesday, we will pray for them.
On Thursday, we will pray for our international church partners. There are no corners of the world that haven’t been affected by this crisis and we will pray for all of those who partner with us to be able to follow God’s leading to minister to those in their own church bodies and communities.
On Good Friday, our focus will be on praying for our donors all around the world. Our pray for this day is that there would be comfort in the grief and sorrow that they are experiencing in this season and that God would be close to them in these moments.
On Saturday, our prayers will be focused on the government in El Salvador. We will pray for the President and for all of the leaders. Our prayers will be for wisdom, and for God to work through them in a way that points people all across El Salvador to Him.
Finally, on Easter Sunday, we will celebrate and pray for our clients. We will celebrate this unique opportunity to serve and love them and we will pray that God will do a work of resurrection in each of their lives on this day and through every moment of this crisis.
We thank you so much for uniting in prayer with us, and our hope for each of you is that you might experience Holy Week in a beautiful way this year.
Photo above: Prayer with all of our staff and government partners in the shelter.
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