
The Work of Christmas

If your house is anything like mine, you are still throwing away scraps of wrapping paper, and finding places for the new toys that your kids have spread all around the house. It’s nice that the craziness is over, and thoughts turn to what’s in store for the new year.

I recently got a different perspective on this “post-Christmasness” from reading another blog. From time to time, I like to read the blogs of other missionaries around the world. It makes me feel like what I’m doing is not so strange, and I sometimes I get some good pointers for suriviving outside of the U.S.A. Not too long ago, I found this great blog kept by the Livesay family in Haiti. Recently, they posted the following quote, and I found it was just too good not to share.

This quote captures perfectly the work that all followers of Christ have in front of them because of Christmas. It has nothing to do with cleaning up wrapping paper, and taking down trees. Instead, it has everything to do with being part of God’s plan to reconcile mankind to Himself.

The Work of Christmas

by Howard Thurman

When the song of the angels is stilled, 
When the star in the sky is gone, 
When the kings and princes are home, 
When the shepherds are back with their flock, 
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.

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