Life in El Salvador

A Dream Come True (or Adventures in Deep Seas Fishing???)

Sometimes I bump into God in the most unexpected places. You’d think that being a missionary would mean that I have some kind of special connection with God, or some “inside track.” A lot of times it’s quite the opposite. I feel lost in the daily things…the little negativities that crawl inside my mind and make their home there. I lose perspective, and I forget that in the middle of it all God deeply cares for us. Then He makes a dream come true. Ever since I was a child if you asked me my dream place to live I would have answered that my dream is to be near the ocean and the mountains. I said this as a kid, but I never really dwelled on it. The other night […]

A Turkey, A Birthday, and Four Generations

We’ve had a lot going on lately!  The month of November flew by at our house! Jon spent most of it in the Dominican Republic leading the practical phase of this year’s Discipleship Training School. I’m happy to report that the kids and I survived, but we sure missed him! The day after he returned, his mother and grandmother arrived for ten days and the next thing we knew it was Thanksgiving! We counted our blessings with some of our YWAM friends, and eating Gram’s homemade pies for the first time in years was definitely at the top of the list! The kids enjoyed special moments with their grandmother and great-grandmother making pies, decorating cookies, and trimming the Christmas tree! We were so glad that Gram got to see for […]

El Salvador Gang Truce Highlighted by the BBC

Today when I was reading the news online, I came across a story highlighting El Salvador’s gang truce. The truce means the murder rate has fallen significantly, but many Salvadorans remain suspicious. Check out the story by the BBC  for a glimpse into a prison housing gang members, and some of the story behind El Salvador’s gang problems. It’s definitely worth reading.


  Just a few weeks ago we got the unexpected, stinging news that one of our friends from the streets had been murdered, shot to death in a parking lot. We know that on the street lives hang in the balance, but it was still a shock to hear that one of the many murders taking place in El Salvador that night was the death of our friend. Julio Cesar was one of the first people who came to The Lighthouse homeless ministry when it started just over two years ago. He went through the roller coaster ride of being on and off the street. He had long periods of time where he was clean, and during one of these times he made the decision to follow Jesus Christ. His struggle with addiction […]


This past month has been one of those crazy busy stretches of life where there isn’t time for ANYTHING, and I’m sorry to say that my blogging has fallen by the wayside for a few weeks. Now I’m back to writing and updating everyone about what’s been happening in El Salvador. So, here are some of the variety of  things that we have been up to lately… We hosted a team from our home church, Discovery Christian Church, who did a lot of awesome things for the kids in El Salvador like put on a carnival in Gerardo Barrios (above), feed the homeless, and work with the girls in a few local children’s homes. File this one under the “wow, that is really random” file! I was on a Salvadoran radio […]

And They’re Off!

I haven’t been blogging too much lately, because I’ve been busy getting the kids ready to go back to school. Getting ready for school in El Salvador means buying and labelling tons of school supplies and covering every notebook in colored paper, and then plastic. I’m not sure what parents in the U.S. have to do to get their kids ready for Elementary School but I don’t think it involves yards and yards of sticky saran wrap like it does around here. The textbooks also get covered in plastic (see pictures below) and it takes forever to get all of their school stuff ready for the first day! But somehow I managed to get it all together, and this morning the kids were off to their first day of school! Both kids are […]

That’s A Wrap

Today we are wrapping up our first ever summer internship! The summer has gone so smoothly, and we really have our two great interns to thank for it! Heather will be flying back to the States tomorrow, and LeAnna will be staying for a few more months to do the Discipleship Training School here at the YWAM base. These girls have just been awesome as they have wrestled through issues of cross-cultural communication, poverty, and how God fits into it all. They have dedicated themselves to serving God and the people of El Salvador with a passion. I have learned so much from them as they have jumped right into ministry. For me, I find that after two and a half years I waver in my passion from time to […]

One Million Lights

Tonight I stood up above the city of the San Salvador, high above one million lights. I was at Los Planes de Renderos and from the lookout I could see San Salvador wrapped around hills and pushed up against the San Salvador volcano. We made a quick stop at the lookout with a group that is volunteering this week from a church in North Carolina. Their oohs and aahs at the beautiful city lights reminded me of my first time standing above the city nearly 3 1/2 years ago. I saw those million lights the very first time I came to El Salvador. Tonight a small voice inside reminded me of what I thought of all those lights the first time I saw them. I remember thinking of the more […]

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