

I want this blog to be a place where I share honestly with our friends, family, and supporters the good, the bad, and the ugly about our experience in El Salvador. That being said, I am glad it’s February! The month of January has been the toughest one for me personally in this whole process. The packing, the good-byes and all of those other things were difficult to be sure but I feel like I have personally been through the wringer a bit this past month. I’m sure many of you can relate with your own stressful months! In our training we learned that right around the three month mark many people enter the “chaos” stage of cultural transition. Well I am definitely there! I have felt a lot of […]

One Month In…

Today marks the end of our first month in El Salvador.  As I am writing this I am actually sitting on our couch! We have been living in our new place without furniture for the past few weeks so it’s nice to have a place to sit down again! This week has been very productive so far. Our container arrived yesterday with the things from our house that we packed back in July. The kids were so excited to see their toys and furniture. We are now surrounded by boxes but hopefully we’ll be done unpacking soon! Our garage is also filled with donations for El Salvador. So many of you were so generous to donate everything ranging from clothes to bikes to medical equipment. The donations are going to […]

Sick Day

Life here in El Salvador is definitely full of paradoxes! One of the things that we learned at MTI during our training was that living on the mission field has ups and downs, the good and the bad coexist everyday. I have experienced that this week. My previous post was entitled “Beach Day” and you may notice this one is entitled “Sick Day.” Earlier this week we spent a beautiful day at the beach, and yesterday I spent a miserable day curled up on the bathroom floor. I was very sick for a full twelve hours. We knew to expect sickness to hit us off and on for the first six months or so but believe me, I was praying for death yesterday! But today I am on the mend […]

Grocery Woes

We visited the grocery store today, much to my frustration! I definitely will have to step up my creativity in the cooking department, and we will all have to keep open minds! Many of the ingredients are different here (obviously) and as I was trying to figure out what was what I kept translating things wrong and getting even more confused! I think I need to take a Salvadoran cooking class to know what to do! Curtains are also very hard to find. We have looked in many stores with no luck. We will probably just buy fabric and have them made. This is a great opportunity to get outside of how I think things “should” be and try to get into the mindset of those who live here. Tori […]

Home Again

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for us. We’re taking our kids to see our new place for the first time. We’ll be cleaning and getting the house ready for when our container arrives. This is a big deal for us because we haven’t had a home since August! In August we sold our home, and gave away or sold most of our furniture and other stuff. We had no idea what kind of home we would end up renting once we got here, and we just weren’t sure what we’d even be able to afford. Several houses came up that we were excited about and either the rent was too high, it was in a part of town that was too dangerous for North Americans, or the houses […]

Tori and Ian

A lot of people have asked how Tori and Ian are doing since we’ve been here. They are hanging in there…still in the adjusting period and I’m sure they will be for some time! They did great on the flights down here. Ian refused to walk in the airport, which was not so fun dragging our carry ons and our son! When we arrived in San Salvador, they were both terrified of the escalator, it was very steep. They both finally got on it then fell down. They were screaming, and the airport employees had to stop the escalator while we rescued them! Everyone was staring at the gringos and their loud gringo kids! Tori is trying to talk to everyone in Spanish, and everyone here loves Ian and his […]

All Around San Salvador

We’ve been here for only five days, and it feels like we’ve been all over and all around San Salvador! We’ve been looking for a house, and a car, as well as setting up bank accounts, getting government documentation, and just trying to figure things out. It’s been an exhausting few days, but so exciting. I keep thinking I need to pinch myself because we are really here! This morning I had some free time to sit on the front porch at the Mission House here and just reflect on where we’ve been. It’s unbelievable to me that this time last year El Salvador really wasn’t even in my mind except for the short-term trip that we were planning on taking in January. I didn’t have a desire to move here, […]

We’re Here!

We just wanted to post a quick update to let everyone know that we made it to El Salvador! We flew into San Salvador just a few hours ago.  We were met at the airport by our friends Kurt and Susan Ackermann, and also our YWAM teammates Fran and Judy Garcia, and their friend Sofia. It was great to have so many to welcome us to our new hometown! We are currently staying in the Ackermanns’ Mission House in San Salvador. They have bedrooms and dormrooms to accomodate teams, families in the process of adopting, and homeless wanderers such as ourselves! Tomorrow we are going to look for a house and a car, but hopefully tonight we can rest! We left for the airport at 3am and said good-bye to […]

Here We Go!

We are leaving for the airport in seven hours. I can’t believe it! Right now we are trying to get everything in order, weigh suitcases again, and say our final good-byes. We are so grateful to all of you who have prayed for us…you are so vital to us getting this opportunity to serve El Salvador in this way. Most of all, we are grateful to God who has walked beside us every step of the way, and has been especially close in the last week as we say good-bye to our church, our friends, our country, and our families. Their are challenges ahead, but He will continue to be by our sides each step of the way! Thanks for all of your prayers…keep them coming! We will update everyone […]

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